The Path Less Taken

I often asked myself regarding my destination. Where am I suppose to go?

Uncertain with my path, i decided to continue my journey.

My fear of the unknown won’t stop me to take a path that is unfamiliar. I always meant to go and open different doors. But, i also have fair share of experience of missed opportunity and closed doors. Simply because I’m not familiar with the situation.

You see, I’m also scaredy-cat. A cowardice that will run once confronted with obstacles and uncertainty. Then, at the end, I’ll regret. If i could only muster courage, will my situation be different? Will i be in a much better place? I have no idea either. I’m on this disposition due to the choices and decisions I’ve made in the past. Also, I’m creating another reality based on my decisions and choices that i will make at present.

But, I also tend to be reckless and bold. I’m also capable of taking risk and be firm with my beliefs and principles in life. Other people might not understand my decisions and flow of thoughts but all of my choices are based on my genuine truth as a human.

I’m on this life journey and at the same time, self journey.

Sometimes, i feel like I’m directionless and lost. But, i keep on walking. I’m petrified but i keep on holding on the flames of my dreams in my heart. It gives me glimmers of hope and flickers of persistence to continue in order to seek my purpose and enlightenment.

The road is rough and this life is difficult. Yet, no one will stop me from choosing the path that is less taken.

Published by She Writes

She's a dreamer. Hopes to be lost in oblivion but the truth is, she just wants to be seen and heard. In quest within and lover of life. This, too, shall pass so I will keep going ; I still don't know. I'll rest for the mean time.

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